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Examination, Necessary X-rays, and Cleaning*
Only $99
*In absence of gum disease.


Most people experience problems with their teeth at some point in their lives. Whether it’s a cavity in need of a filling, a chipped tooth or a missing tooth that you need to replace, you need the services of a dentist to fix your teeth. At Doyle Dental, we provide a variety of dental procedures to fix all your teeth-related problems. We are dedicated to providing you the best dental care possible in a family-friendly setting.

General and Preventive Dentistry

A great smile begins with a healthy set of teeth. General and preventive dental services are aimed at improving and maintaining the health of your teeth and gums. When you brush and floss your teeth, you’re taking preventive measures to ensure your teeth and gums stay healthy. Other preventive procedures need to be done at our office. These include x-rays, professional cleanings, gum disease care and more. Visiting us twice a year is a great way to ensure your dental problems remain small or nonexistent. 

Restorative and Cosmetic Dentistry

Do you tend to hide your smile because of missing teeth? Or do you have damaged teeth in need of repair? Our restorative and cosmetic dentistry services will correct these problems, restoring the beauty of your smile. Whenever teeth need to be repaired or replaced, the procedures are referred to as “restorative dentistry” because we’re restoring your teeth to a healthy condition. “Cosmetic procedures” make your teeth look nicer, correcting issues such as uneven teeth, crooked teeth or handling discoloration of your tooth’s enamel. 

Call Today

If you are in need of dental care, call us today for an appointment at (845) 225 3406.

General and Preventative

At Doyle Dental, we practice family dentistry because good oral hygiene is important for people of all ages, not just adults. Establishing good oral hygiene practices with your children will help them maintain the health of their permanent teeth when they grow in. 

Professional Teeth Cleanings

It’s normal for a sticky film to form on your teeth from the foods you eat. We call this film “plaque,” and regular brushing helps remove it. The unhealthy aspect of plaque is it contains millions of bacteria which release harmful acids that cause cavities. And over time, plaque hardens so that regular brushing won’t remove it. You need a professional cleaning by our skilled hygienists to remove the hardened plaque and keep your teeth healthy. Your teeth will look and feel their cleanest after a professional cleaning.

TMJ/TMD Treatment (for Chronic Jaw Pain)

TMJ and TMD are acronyms for long medical terms which simply refer to the joint where your jaw connects to your skull and any painful conditions associated with this joint. If you are experiencing pain in your jaw where it connects to your skull, or you have trouble chewing or biting, come see us at Doyle Dental. We will examine your jaw for signs of TMJ/TMD and offer a treatment plan to alleviate this condition.

Gum Disease Therapy (Periodontal Care)

Your gums’ health is just as important as the health of your teeth. The same bacteria which cause cavities in your teeth also attack your gums and cause redness, swelling and soreness. This is called “periodontal disease.” Left untreated, periodontal disease can develop into infections which affect your overall health and can lead to tooth loss. When you come in for your semi-annual checkup, we examine your gums for signs of periodontal disease. By catching gum disease early, we can easily treat it and restore your gums to their normal, healthy condition.


Dental sealants are a thin, plastic coating applied to the nooks and crannies of your molars to help prevent cavities from forming. Food particles that become trapped in these areas can be difficult to remove, which increases your risk of cavities. Dr. Doyle will advise you on whether or not you need a dental sealant to protect your molars from cavities.

Fluoride Treatment

You hear a lot about fluoride in advertisements for toothpaste and some brands of mouthwash. This is not just an advertising ploy—fluoride really does help strengthen your tooth enamel. Fluoride repairs your tooth enamel by helping it re-absorb minerals the enamel lost because of acid-producing bacteria on your teeth. As part of your semi-annual dental exam and cleaning, we recommend a professional fluoride treatment which helps your tooth enamel remain strong and resistant to cavities.

Oral Cancer Screenings

As a regular part of your dental exam, we perform an oral cancer screening. This is a thorough visual inspection of your gums, tongue and the inside of your mouth for the early signs of oral cancer. As with any cancer, the earlier it’s detected, the better your chances are for successful treatment. 

Emergency Dental Services

Please call the office immediately at (845) 225 3406 if you are having a dental emergency and we will make room in our schedule to see you right away.

Restorative and Cosmetic Dentistry

Restorative and cosmetic dentistry procedures fix your dental problems so you have healthy teeth and a nice smile. Family members of all ages can benefit from restorative and cosmetic dentistry.
Dental Scanner

Dental Scanner

An intraoral scanner is a device that takes 3D digital dental impressions. By creating a 3D image, dental restorations (crowns, implant crowns, bridges, and dentures) are made.

This scanner eliminates uncomfortable and distasteful impression materials being placed in the patients’ mouth. This new technology helps create a pleasant and less stressful dental visit for most dental patients. Dr. Dennis and Dr. Romina Doyle have been using their dental scanner with many patients to create precise, beautiful and long-lasting dental restorations.

Check Out How It Works
Dental Scanner

Dental Bonding

Dental bonding can improve the appearance of your smile. Using tooth-colored resins, we fix unsightly gaps between your teeth, repair chips, make teeth look longer and change the shape of teeth. 

Dental Implants

Dental implants are the most modern way of replacing missing teeth. The replacement tooth is permanently attached to your jawbone by a titanium post called an “implant.” Your jawbone grows around this post and fuses with it, so your new tooth is just as secure as your original tooth was. You brush and floss implants like your natural teeth and you eat with confidence because they won’t slip or come out when you bite or chew food. Dental implants can even replace an entire set of teeth so you don’t need to put up with the shifting and slipping which you can get with dentures.

Dental Crowns and Bridges

We use crowns to repair badly decayed teeth. The crown is a hollow ceramic or porcelain shell which is shaped to fit over an existing tooth, acting like a cap which lends strength to your tooth. A bridge is used to replace one or more missing teeth. A dental bridge is an affordable option for replacing a missing tooth.

Porcelain Veneers

Sometimes an individual needs to improve their smile by fixing discolored, uneven or chipped teeth. Porcelain veneers are an excellent way to do this. The veneer is a thin layer of porcelain which is bonded to your tooth, giving you a clean, natural-looking tooth. We also use veneers to correct unevenness and chips in your teeth.

Tooth Extractions

Sometimes a tooth becomes too damaged or decayed to repair, even with a crown. When this happens, the tooth needs to be pulled so it doesn’t cause you further pain or become a source of infection. Once a tooth has been extracted, you have options for a replacement tooth, such as a dental implant or a bridge. People also need to have their teeth removed, in many cases, because these teeth often push against the molars and cause problems.

Zoom Teeth Whitening

Have your teeth become dull or discolored? You can brighten your smile again with our in-office Zoom Teeth Whitening process. Zoom Whitening will get your teeth whiter than any home treatment.


Dentures have been used for centuries to restore a person’s ability to eat and speak properly when they’ve lost all their teeth. While we think dental implants are the best solution for missing teeth, we understand that some people need the more affordable option of dentures to replace their missing teeth.

Root Canal Treatment

A root canal treatment is used to save a badly infected tooth. Rather than pull the tooth, we remove the infected tooth material, called “pulp,” and then fill the space with a rubber-like material. A crown is placed on the tooth to seal it. 

Tooth-Colored Fillings

When filling cavities, we use a tooth-colored resin material which blends well with your natural tooth color. You won’t have the unsightly metal fillings which can turn black over time.

Schedule an Appointment Today

To improve your smile or the health of your teeth, call Doyle Dental today for an appointment at (845) 225 3406 or fill the form bellow.

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